80 years old grandma repays huge debt from 2008. 80歲負債1億 浙江「誠信奶奶」賣衣還債12年…驚喜預告:要退休了

Written by Frank M. Lin 12/07/2022 3:54 AM @ Shilin home, Taipei, Taiwan – I haven’t done a bi-lingual blog post in a long time. I just read this story and was touched by it. So here we go. Chinese source shown first, my translation it.

Source: https://www.ctwant.com/article/224620

80歲負債1億 浙江「誠信奶奶」賣衣還債12年…驚喜預告:要退休了






English translation by Google Translate, adjusted slightly by Frank M. Lin

Zhejiang’s “Integrity Grandma” has sold clothes to pay off her debts for 12 years… She used to have a thriving business but the financial crash of 2008 caused her to have a 100 million RMB in debt at the age of 80. Surprise notice: she is finally about to retire at the age of 92!!

A 92-year-old grandmother in Zhejiang, mainland China, who sells down jackets for a living, decided to retire after selling out the last down jacket in stock this year. As soon as the news came out, the locals were both surprised and delighted, because it means that she, who is known as the “honest grandma”, has paid off the debt she owed for more than a decade. She is not afraid of failure and likes to get up from the place where she fell.

According to “Jimu News” report, at the age of 52, “Integrity Grandma” Chen Jinying established the “Xinghua Down” garment factory with a capital of RMB 3,000 (approximately NT$13,000), and once achieved an annual revenue of over 10 million RMB. . When the company owed a huge sum of 20.77 million (approximately NT$91 million) during the financial turmoil in 2008, Chen Jinying, who was 80 years old at the time, chose to bear the debt by herself. She liquidated all her assets to pay off the debt as much as possible. (Frank’s comment: I think it must have been a limited liability company or something similar, whereas she didn’t have to personally pay the debt. But she chose to anyway because of her super high moral characters, what a lady!!)

In order to repay the remaining 2.77 million (about NT$12 million) debt, Chen Jinying chose to open a small down jacket store next to a building in Lishui. He also works as a seamstress to repair clothes. As an 80-year-old man who should have enjoyed his old age in peace, his life is as hard as a young man who just started his own business. But for Chen Jinying, repaying debts is more important than enjoying his old age comfortably.

Perhaps out of a sense of responsibility, although Chen Jinying has paid off all the debts at the age of 90, she still sells down jackets. It was not until recently that she made the decision to retire after selling the last piece of clothing. And her decades-long determination to repay debts also won her the honor of “Zhejiang Proud Person” in January 2021 in 2021.

(Frank’s comment: This is truly an inspirational story. How many people work to the age of 80? How many can do what she did?! Very rare indeed.)

About GhettoRacer

racer, driver coach, taoist, yogi, dreamweaver, bballer, rebel, philosopher, entrepreneur, kiva, lonewolf, vagabond, photo/video shooter, storyteller
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